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Renovating Horsforth Shed to reduce social isolation 

Our team supported the renovation of the community Shed, which supports local, vulnerable people

St James Parish Church Council took the decision to repurpose the redundant Scout Hut to serve the local area as a community workshop – the ‘Horsforth Shed’. Horsforth Shed seeks to serve its Leeds community, through reducing social isolation and supporting local, vulnerable people through training opportunities.

However, the community group didn't have a sufficient place to operate from. The scout hut had suffered from years of disuse and decay, meaning considerable renovation was required to make the building serviceable. For almost three years, volunteers have given their time to help renovate the old scout hut.

In Summer 2021, our team working on Wellington House supported the project to open.

Scope of works included:

  • Planning of the project
  • Building of a new access ramp
  • Fitting external lighting
  • Implementing new handrails on the front entrance steps
  • Supplying new signage

The Shed is now operating, with volunteers able to deliver training workshops and work towards expanding their offering. For example, the Shed hopes to provide support for through the Lighthouse Community and St George’s Crypt. As the project becomes established, the group will offer inclusive activities including practical skills training.

Horsforth Shed (2).jpg

“We hope this collaboration leaves a lasting legacy in the community to help those experiencing social isolation," Stuart Dack, Willmott Dixon Interiors.

A huge thank you to our supply chain partners, Ramfab Steel and Dale Studios, for their support.