Willmott Dixon Interiors delivering £12m roof works at National Maritime Museum
Major work on the Grade 1 listed property to improve the visitor experience
Willmott Dixon has received the green light for a £15.2m project as part of its transformation of Middlesbrough’s schools.
Willmott Dixon will design and build a secondary school to provide a new home on Saltersgill Avenue for the existing Beverley and Tollesby Schools. The company is working with the architects Aedas on the project, which will be completed by Easter 2011.
This is the fourth scheme to be delivered by Willmott Dixon for Middlesbrough Council as part of the Middlesbrough Building Schools for the Future programme to transform six schools.
The three other projects that are on site involve replacing the existing Acklam Grange School, co-locating Ormesby and Priory Woods schools into a new school building, plus building Ashdale Pupil Referral Unit.
Willmott Dixon was appointed under the Academies framework for the programme with the aim that the new education facilities will be a spur for wider regeneration in the town. The programme’s objective is to ensure Middlesbrough has a new generation of high quality schools suitable for the number of students it estimates it will have in 2016.
Major work on the Grade 1 listed property to improve the visitor experience
Willmott Dixon's Fortem seeks to help councils and housing associations navigate changes in legislation and regulations
This appointment will enable the business to deliver energy efficiency upgrades for NHS Trusts and public sector estates.
Key milestone for major college revamp in Cheadle
Takes pipeline of Passivhaus, net zero carbon, and BREEAM outstanding projects to over £1.4bn.
Latest in a series of projects for Westminster City Council following Westmead development to build 65 new affordable homes on Tavistock Road, plus 112 new homes on Harrow Road
Latest cohort will complement the company's existing 85 trainees earning while they learn