Willmott Dixon Interiors delivering £12m roof works at National Maritime Museum
Major work on the Grade 1 listed property to improve the visitor experience
From Monday 15 July, Wrap Up Leeds ECO will be helping residents cut their fuel bills by offering free insulation and free boiler replacements.
With Wrap Up Leeds ECO, residents who own their own home or rent it privately and who are in receipt of certain benefits, can benefit from free cavity wall and loft insulation or have their old and inefficient, broken or condemned boiler replaced. Funding from energy companies is paying for the scheme.
All works will be subject to a survey and will be carried out by the council’s partners SSE, Willmott Dixon Energy Services and Keepmoat. A second phase of the project will target people who haven’t been able to get help from the previous Wrap Up Leeds schemes as their homes are classed as ‘hard to treat’. This could be a back-to-back property, an older property or of a non-traditional build. Details of this will be announced later in the summer, but anyone can pre-register their interest now.
Councillor Mark Dobson, executive member for the environment, said: “Now that summer has put in an appearance, making your home warmer might seem a little odd. However, now is the best time to contact the team to see if they can make your home cheaper to heat so you’ll be ready for winter. We want to help people tackle rising energy bills and Wrap Up Leeds ECO is just another way we can help residents out of the fuel poverty trap.”
Rob Lambe, managing director, Willmott Dixon Energy Services, said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with Leeds City Council to provide healthier, warmer homes for residents which will lead to lower heating costs this winter. Willmott Dixon Energy Services are keen to make a difference through Wrap Up Leeds ECO to help residents cut energy bills and support those living in fuel poverty across the City.”
People can find out if they qualify by calling 0113 395 0757, emailing wrapupleeds@leeds.gov.uk or visiting www.wrapupleeds.co.uk.
Major work on the Grade 1 listed property to improve the visitor experience
Willmott Dixon's Fortem seeks to help councils and housing associations navigate changes in legislation and regulations
This appointment will enable the business to deliver energy efficiency upgrades for NHS Trusts and public sector estates.
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