Fast and effective funding and procurement

Funding support and efficient procurement routes to ensure town and city centre projects can support local communities quickly

Is your project struggling to progress at pace? We have access to fast and effective procurement and funding routes to accelerate your development plan.

Listen to our podcast episode: Ten Minutes on Two-Stage Procurement and How it Unlocks Sustainability

Funding options

Utilising our combined construction and development expertise, we identify funding requirements on projects and a suitable partner we can work with to provide a funding offer or solution.

Options could include cross-subsidy models, which can introduce flexible development partners to share risk; grant funding solutions; and alternative funding models. We can also explore partnership models to design, build, finance and operate new public facilities.

Engaging a contractor to support accessing and applying for funding can set your bid apart and ensure your plans are feasible and can be completed in the required timescales.

A winning bid: delivering a masterplan in Boston using the Levelling Up Fund

We have a history of supporting successful funding applications and collaborated on the £14.8m Levelling Up Funding bid by Boston Borough Council. The successful application will see Boston’s Rosegarth Square, a brownfield site, transformed into a space for the local community, helping to kick-start regeneration and secure further investment in the town centre.

We played a key role in helping the council to secure this funding. The early engagement between us as a contractor and the council was driven by using a framework as a procurement route, in this case, Scape.

The Rosegarth Square Masterplan is an ambitious plan for the council. As such, it couldn't be entirely funded by the Levelling Up Fund nor could all of the works be completed within the required timescales.

Our feasibility work enabled us to advise the council which elements of the project would be most viable from a cost and timescale perspective through the use of a project cost plan and programme. We also made sure the works put forward still made sense from a chronological perspective as part of the wider Masterplan.

As part of this collaborative approach, we were able to engage architects to further interrogate designs and back up our recommendations around the project.

The council were successful in their bid. The works they will now undertake include the demolition of a disused shop, enabling works for later phases of the redevelopment, the construction of a residential building for the YMCA, and public realm work to create green spaces between the town and the bus station.

Rosegarth Square CGI - Boston Town Centre.jpg

Going down the framework route

Frameworks provide a fast, prequalified contracting mechanism that allows you to focus on what is right for you, your communities and stakeholders, rather than lengthy, costly procurement processes.

Procurement frameworks encourage collaboration, early engagement, efficiency, consistency and transparency. All of this helps to create the right conditions for a project to be delivered to an exceptionally high standard. They can also play an important role in supporting priorities around social value and net-zero carbon and offer a level of commercial protection.

We are already on a number of different frameworks, meaning we are well-positioned to deliver projects through this faster, more efficient procurement route. Find out more about the frameworks we operate on here.

You can use frameworks to work as an alliance, problem solving, sharing best practice and lessons learnt, and mitigating risks - themes that are at the heart of the recommendations of the Construction Playbook.

For more information, contact our local expert

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